AKCA – PROJECT KHV OVERVIEW: There continues to be a growing and well deserved concern about Koi Herpes Virus (KHV). The Associated Koi Clubs of America (AKCA) has a history of significant funding for developing technologies and initiatives to promote koi health. KHV research grants are currently being funded and additional research projects are being added. The AKCA – Koi Health Advisor program is in full operation. AKCA has committed funds in excess of $150,000 to Koi Health initiatives that include specific KHV projects. But much more needs to be done to help protect our living jewels.
AKCA – PROJECT KHV OBJECTIVES: Raise funding for targeted and peer reviewed KHV research projects to develop new technologies directly related to short term control and longer term eradication of KHV. Potential areas of research that may be funded are: Developing and/or testing an effective KHV vaccine, potential preventatives, more accurate and available tests for KHV, and recommendations to appropriately deal with KHV exposed and / or KHV recovered koi.
Special donor pins have been designed, (see above) and ordered so that individuals may be recognized for their donations. There is the Bronze pin for donations of $5 to $49, the Gold pin for donations of $50 to $99, and the Platinum pin for donations of $100 to $249 and the Diamond pin for $250 or more. These pins will not be for sale, and may be acquired only by a donation to the KHV project. There will be a special certificate for clubs or businesses to recognize their contribution to the project.
HOW CAN YOU HELP: Please make a donation! There are many worthwhile causes that deserve our financial support. However it is solely up to us as individual koi lovers, koi organizations, and koi professionals to protect the special beauty and serenity that koi provide. To learn more about making a donation for KHV research contact the AKCA web site,-
AKCA PROJECT KHV DONATION FORM please mail to: ——————————————————————————————-
Please fill out and mail this form with your donation: NAME/S: _________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________ CITY: _____________________________________________ STATE:________________________________________ Zip Code: __________________________________________ PHONE #: _____________________________________ EMAIL: _______________________________________ PRIMARY ORGANIZATIONAL AFFILIATION: _____________________________________________________________ DONATION FROM: Individual _____ Club_____ Organization ______ Business ______ Checks for Tax Deducible donations should be made out to: AKCA PROJECT KHV